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Terms of Business

This terms stipulate the details between Docol©c users and the Docoloc UG ( haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG. (Docoloc KG in the following)


§ 1 License costs

The number of user accounts which can be authorized with a license key depends on the volume of the license.

A user can create her or his own Docol©c account. After entering a valid license key, the user account is authorized and can be used immediately. A user account must only be used by the person who applied for it and must not be used by other persons.

Schools, universities, agencies, chambers, publishing houses or other legal persons may get licenses. Subsidiaries or otherwise connected enterprises are not allowed to use the license without further agreements. It is also not allowed to sell the licence to others.

In case of capacity constraint no new customers can be accepted. This offer is subject to confirmation.

Our license costs depend on the expected number of document pages to be processed by Docoloc during one year.

§ 2 Billing and termination

License fees are always due for the following month. Licenses for up to 25 users will be charged for the following three months. It is also possible to get invoices for more than these three months. Due date is the day when the license is valid for the first time.

The license contract may be terminated with a period of two weeks to the end of a month. The minimum contract duration is three month.

Terms of payment

§ 3 Credit Transfer

When you choose to pay by bank transfer, please meet the bill within two weeks after the date of invoice. If you fail to pay within the period, we may charge € 2.50 for the second, and € 4.00 for the third reminder as well as 1% interest per month.

§ 4 Direct Debit

You give us the permission to conduct the due amount from a German current account. This permission is valid for all future invoices and can be revoked at any time. For this payment you need a German current account.

§ 5 PayPal

You can pay online with PayPal.

§ 6 Billing

All invoices will be sent by email. If you wish to receive an invoice sent by mail, we have to charge € 2,50 per invoice.


§ 7 Documents

The service will be operated on servers at the Docoloc KG. Documents to be checked will be temporarily stored by Docoloc and parts of them will be checked anonymously using Internet search engines. The documents will be handled confidentially and not be forwarded to third parties.

§ 8 Personal data

For licensing we store your address and account data. We are obliged to treat all your personal data according to Federal Data Protection Act.


§ 9 External links

Links to web sites outside this domain are not controlled by Docoloc.

The Docoloc KG is not responsible for the content of these web sites. This applies also for links coming up automatically when documents are reviewed by Docol©c.

§ 10 Availability

The Docoloc KG is not responsible for breakdowns or delays in a way of other usage of the Docol©c service.

Docol©c uses search technologies provided by various companies, which can be switched off or fail anytime. The Docoloc KG does not provide any guarantees for service availability. Transient failures do not entitle to a reimbursement.

§ 11 About unauthorised use

You are obliged not to use the web site for other purposes than the above regulations and remarks. It is not allowed to use the services in a way that damages, deactivates, overloads or harms the Docol©c servers or the networks connected with Docol©c the servers. It is also not allowed to use the web site in a way that disturbs the use of the web site by other persons. All attempts of hacking, spying of passwords or other methods of unauthorized access to services, materials, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Docol©c-servers or to the web sites of connected networks are forbidden.

§ 12 Disclaimer

All information, software programs, web sites and services will be provided as described above and without gurantees. Liability of the Docoloc KG in case of overload and any damages directly or indirectly related to such a situation is excluded. A plagiarism detection tool can offer manyfold support in checking documents, but the final decision for a plagiarism has to be taken by humans.

§ 13 Court of jurisdiction

This contract is subject to German law. The court of jurisdiction for this contract is the local court responsible for the Docoloc KG.

§ 14 Final Clause

If any provision in this agreement are invalid or will become invalid by a body of competent jurisdiction, such provision will be construed, limited or, if necessary, severed to the extent necessary to eliminate such invalidity or unenforceability. The parties agree to negotiate in good faith a valid, enforceable substitute provision that most nearly effects the parties’ original intent in entering into this Agreement or to provide an equitable adjustment in case no such provision can be added. The other provisions of this agreement will remain in full effect.

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